Energy Improvement Districts:
An Instrument for Local Cooperation on Energy Efficiency
01 September 2020
How can cities better plan for and take action to lower emissions and improve energy performance? The session addresses cities’ need for concrete guidance and tools for integrated and collaborative energy planning.
The AREA 21 project partnership provides an introduction to and several examples of the Energy Improvement District (EID) concept as a tool for integrated energy planning and a method to support cities in reaching their emissions reductions goals. EID applies and adapts the improvement district instrument as a model tool for cooperative energy planning and development of energy efficiency improvements which brings together public authorities, private energy actors, and citizens.
This concept has been honed and tested in the AREA 21 Interreg Baltic Sea Region project in seven focus areas, each with differing contexts and energy priorities. During this webinar, participants will learn the ins and outs of the EID Concept and how to implement it across a variety of local contexts, and will have the chance to discuss in depth with practitioners.