Pilot Area: Tartu, Annelinn - © Antti Roose

Modernisation of buildings in disrepair

Joint efforts of property owners and housing associations to improve the environmental quality of living environments and achieve CO2 emission reduction

Pilot Area: Tartu, Annelinn - © Antti Roose

Innovative energy improvements to aging building stock

Testing of new technologies for data monitoring and analysis

Pilot Area: Tartu, Annelinn - © Antti Roose

Increased awareness for renewable energy potentials

Investigation of profitable and dynamic options for on-site renewable energy production

Tartu, the second largest city in Estonia with a population of 100,000 inhabitants, is located in the southern part of the country. The pilot area Annelinn is a small part of Tartu’s largest district, Annelinn. The area is home to one third of Tartu’s population and is situated in the eastern part of the city. Its building structure is based on a 1970 “General Plan”and is characterised by large multi-family blocks. The pilot area is limited to a group of residential blocks in the north-western corner of Annelinn and lies just next to the City Centre District.