© AREA 21

The City of Helsingborg introduces a new Climate and Energy Plan to become climate neutral by 2035

The City Council of Helsingborg has approved a new ambitious Climate and Energy Plan targeting climate neutrality already in the year 2035. This target involves all activities  present within municipality boundaries,  companies, ...

Fourth transnational project meeting of AREA 21 in Tampere (Finland) coming up

AREA 21 partners will come together from the 11th - 13th March 2019 for their fourth international project meeting in Tampere, Finland. The event provides another valuable opportunity for partners to be inspired and flourish in their ideas through the collective ...
© Lublin City Office

Working on energy in the heart of Lublin City: local cooperation processes gain momentum

In our partner city Lublin, the first of at least three local workshops was held on 12 December at the Mayor’s Offices. Representatives of public administration, building stock management, schools and kindergartens as well as the ...
Workshop in Annelinn© TREA

First AREA 21 workshop in Tartu: gathering of stakeholders to enhace local cooperation

The establishment of local cooperation processes lies at the heart of AREA 21; specifically what motivates public authorities, energy companies, housing associations and residents to participate in energy planning?

AREA 21 at the 17th Annual Strategic Planning Leaders Forum of the Regions and Cities of Russia

Our partner, the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, participated in the “17th Annual Strategic Planning Leaders Forum of the Regions and Cities of Russia”. The event  was scheduled for 22 and 23 October in St. Petersburg…
© City of Tampere

Establishing local cooperation: recent activities in the AREA 21 partner city Tampere, Finland

At the core of AREA 21 is not only the technical dimension of energy efficiency, but also the question how improved stakeholder cooperation and cooperative approaches to energy planning contribute to increased efficiency. Against this background…

Joining the EEA Club: AREA 21 partner city Lublin on a quest for the European Energy Award

Experts from the city administration and municipal companies of Lublin are joining efforts to assess, manage and improve the energy efficiency in the city. The specially established interdisciplinary team kicked-off their work on 25th September…
© AREA 21

Participatory processes in the focus – AREA 21 partner meeting in Lublin, Poland

Let there be light: and there was light – as all stared at the building facade of the “Centre for the Meeting of Cultures” flashing with a bright AREA 21 logo during a warm September night. On 17-18 September 2018 the AREA 21 project…
© Öresundskraft AB© Öresundskraft AB

Öresundskraft and Region Skåne released a film about their goal to become Fossil Fuel-Free by 2020

In 2009, Region Skåne – one of the ten AREA 21 partners - initiated the regional strategy “A Fossil Free Skåne 2020”. One important step was a letter of intent, signed by Region Skåne and the energy company Öresundskraft in 2014.…