Learn more about EID Governance and Implementation
We are happy to present two new publications: throughout the past 14 months, AREA 21 + action modeled energy efficient urban areas of the future: through Energy Improvement Districts, the project enabled public authorities, energy providers, property owners and citizens from cities around [...]

AREA 21 + action celebrates the European Cooperation Day
Each year on 21 September Europe celebrates cooperation across borders: The European Cooperation Day. An essential aspect of working together in Europe are the EU's programmes for cooperation - such as Interreg. If you want to learn more about [...]

AREA 21 + action makes a difference!
Following three years of ideating, planning and strategizing Energy Improvement Districts (EIDs) in AREA 21, the new project AREA 21 + action goes one step farther and actually implements EIDs in several locations across the Baltic Sea Region. Having started in 2016, it is now time to show some of our key results and impacts [...]

EUSBSR Flagship Status for AREA 21
As a frequent visitor of the AREA 21 website, you might have spotted a new logo on the landing page: The EUSBSR flagship stamp. We are proud to announce that the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) has just awarded the project so-called flagship status. This means that AREA 21 and the EID concept are considered particularly effective instruments for the region’s energy goals [...]

How AREA 21 + action and other cooperation projects contribute to the energy transition
AREA 21 and AREA 21 + action are just two of several projects in the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme targeting the energy transition, i.e. the shift to renewable energy production and sustainable consumption and management of energy. In a recent article, interreg-baltic.eu introduces AREA 21 and how the project developed and [...]

New Article in Sustainability 12/2020: Stakeholder Collaboration in Energy Transition: Experiences from Urban Testbeds in the Baltic Sea Region
We proudly present a scientific paper providing evidence of successful multi-stakeholder collaborationon using AREA 21 pilot areas as cases. Energy-efficiency improvement measures for existing building stock are vital for reaching EU climate mitigation and energy targets, especially in urban areas, which [...]

Register now: On 15 December (09:30 CET) AREA 21 + action will join UBC TALKS about low carbon energy solutions in cities
The webinar "UBC TALKS about low carbon energy solutions in cities" will be held on 15 December 2020. It will put together low carbon energy solutions in cities showcasing examples from the Baltic Sea region. As a part of the webinar, the AREA 21 + action will present interesting case examples developed in the previous and on-going project timeline for energy efficiency. [...]

AREA 21 + action is picking up speed!
The Extension Stage of AREA 21, AREA 21 + action, has officially started on 01 October 2020. Area 21 + Action will strengthen cooperative energy planning at the local level based on the concept of "Energy Improvement Districts" developed in AREA 21. A good news is that the Subsidy Contract has been signed with the programme authorities and the preparation of the partnership agreement is in progress. To get the ball rolling, AREA 21 + action has organized a [...]

What is an Energy Improvement District? Watch with us!
We have released a new video on what an Energy Improvement District is and why it is important at a city or region level. The video illustrates the three main phases (planning, implementation and execution) associated in realizing the EIDs and the involvement of various stakeholders at various phases in achieving energy efficiency. To know more about the whys and the hows of the EID concept, watch our new video: [...]