Entries by Galya V.

Establishing local cooperation: recent activities in the AREA 21 partner city Tampere, Finland

At the core of AREA 21 is not only the technical dimension of energy efficiency, but also the question how improved stakeholder cooperation and cooperative approaches to energy planning contribute to increased efficiency. Against this background the seven pilot regions of the project develop so-called “Energy Improvement Districts” (EID). This district model serves as catalyst […]

Kohtla-Järve: Roundtable on historic buildings and their value from energy efficiency perspective

On 8 August 2018, the Estonian Ministry of Culture and the Kohtla-Järve Town Government held a seminar with representatives of various ministries who gathered in Ida-Viru County for a working visit. The seminar was structured in different roundtable discussions, each revolving around one specific topic which could contribute to the town’s and region’s development.