The steady success of AREA 21 and the ongoing AREA 21 + action project has brought into light innovative solutions for cooperative energy planning and implementation at the whole Baltic level. The relevance and applicability of the project has been recognized by the Sustainable Cities Commission of the Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC), which is also an Associated Partner of AREA 21 +  action. The Commission organizes monthly webinar series on diverse sustainability themes and Area 21 + action has received a request to contribute to the December session!

The webinar “UBC TALKS about low carbon energy solutions in cities” will be held on 15 December 2020 at 9:30-11:00 CET. It will put together low carbon energy solutions in cities showcasing examples from the Baltic Sea region. As a part of the webinar, the AREA 21 + action will the Energy Improvement District (EID) concept as well as first-hand experience from the St. Petersburg EID.

The webinar is aimed at representatives of UBC member cities as well as other experts and interested parties working with sustainability topics. To participate, please register at the UBC website here.