AREA 21 + action: Promoting Cooperative Processes for Integrated Energy Planning at a District Level

Welcome to the website of AREA 21 + action! This project is a follow-up of AREA 21, a transnational cooperation project that is jointly carried out by partner organisations from across the Baltic Sea Region. The project seeks to model energy efficient urban areas of the future, adopting collaborative stakeholder engagement processes in the strategic planning and implementation of energy solutions. To achieve this, the project enables public authorities, energy providers, property owners and citizens from cities around the Baltic Sea Region to run cooperative planning processes within Energy Improvement Districts.


Strategies and Action Plans are in place, implementation started
All Energy Improvement Districts (EIDs) have resulted in establishing … [read more]

Ownership and participation are key for the project
176 homeowners, energy utilities and energy agencies, public … [read more]

Spill-over effects of project ideas can already be observed
As the EID concept is fully transferrable, spill-over effects or … [read more]

High interest in project outputs
Within AREA 21, all partners have activated their networks and … [read more]

Flagship Status of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region awarded
In April 2021, AREA 21 has been awarded with the flagship status of … [read more]

AREA 21:
10/2017 – 09/2020

AREA 21 + action:
10/2020 – 11/2021

Project Partners from across the Baltic Sea Region

Lead Partner:
HafenCity University Hamburg